How to Pass the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certificate in 2024?

Last Updated: January 8, 2024


Certified Ethical Hacker  (CEH) certificate stands as a valuable asset in the realm of cybersecurity. Offered by the globally recognized EC-Council, the CEH certification validates your ethical hacking skills—an essential skill set in an era where cyber threats loom large.

This certification serves as a testament to your proficiency in understanding the hacker mindset and employing it for ethical purposes.

The benefits of obtaining the CEH certificate are substantial. It opens doors to in-demand cybersecurity career opportunities and equips professionals with ethical hacking mastery. But along with all these exciting benefits, getting a CEH Certification can be a bit tedious task and requires you to consult multiple resources to pass it.

The passing percentage for the CEH Certification exam varies from 60% to 85%, depending upon the form of the exam. And if you don’t pass it, there’s always an option to retake the exam.

In this article, we will share CEH Certificate requirements and details, along with tips and resources that helped in getting the certification.

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Pros and Cons


  • In-Demand Skills: CEH equips professionals with hands-on skills in ethical hacking and penetration testing, making them valuable assets to organizations seeking to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities.
  • Industry Recognition: CEH is widely recognized and respected in the cybersecurity community, and many employers specifically seek CEH-certified professionals for security-related roles.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: The CEH course covers a wide range of topics, ensuring that candidates have a broad understanding of cybersecurity concepts and tools.
  • Practical Experience: The certification includes a practical exam where candidates must demonstrate their ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, providing real-world experience.
  • Career Advancement: CEH can lead to higher-paying job opportunities and career advancement in roles related to penetration testing, security analysis, and risk assessment.


  • Costly: Pursuing the CEH certification can be expensive, with costs including exam fees, study materials, and potentially training courses.
  • Continuous Learning: The field of cybersecurity is ever-evolving, and CEH holders are required to maintain their certification through continuing education, which can involve additional time and cost.
  • Focus on Tools: CEH emphasizes the use of specific tools and techniques, which may limit candidates’ ability to adapt to new tools or technologies.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Ethical hacking can raise ethical dilemmas, and candidates must ensure they use their skills responsibly and legally.
  • Prerequisite Experience: While there are no strict experience requirements, CEH is more beneficial for individuals with some prior knowledge or experience in the field of cybersecurity.

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The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam Requirements

If you are all set to pursue Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification, you must consider the exam requirements, which are: 

  1. Attend an official EC-Council training course (suitable for all skill levels). It doesn’t require previous cybersecurity experience.
  2. If you have 2 years of previous information security experience, skip the training course and apply directly for the exam. Proof of experience is required, along with knowledge in the following fields:
    • Information security and ethical hacking
    • Reconnaissance techniques
    • System hacking phases and attack techniques
    • Network and perimeter hacking
    • Web application hacking
    • Wireless network hacking
    • Mobile platform, IoT, and operational technology (OT) hacking
    • Cloud computing
    • Cryptography
  • Must be 18 years old or older.

CEH Exam Cost

You need to submit a Certification exam fee of $1,199, whereas a retake exam costs $450.

Overview of Domains 

There are twenty domains, but we can categorize them into nine parts. Let me give you a brief overview of each domain covered in the CEH certificate exam:

Information Security and Ethical Hacking Overview (6%)

This domain provides an introduction to the world of ethical hacking, setting the stage for the rest of the certification. It covers the fundamental concepts and ethics that guide ethical hacking practices.

Reconnaissance Techniques (21%)

Reconnaissance is the initial phase of ethical hacking. It involves activities such as footprinting, scanning networks, and enumeration, where you gather critical information about target systems and networks to plan your ethical hacking activities effectively.

System Hacking Phases and Attack Techniques (17%)

In this domain, you’ll explore the process of vulnerability analysis, system hacking, and dealing with various malware threats. It focuses on reporting and assessment tools and identifies vulnerabilities and loopholes in a system. 

Covering different types of malware threats like (Virus, Trojan, etc.), it helps you keenly check the system for malware attacks and take preventive measures to avoid them. 

Network and Perimeter Hacking (14%)

Network and perimeter security is a paramount concern in cybersecurity. In this domain, you get to explore a range of techniques and attacks, including sniffing to capture network traffic, social engineering to manipulate individuals, denial-of-service attacks to disrupt services, session hijacking for unauthorized access, and methods for evading intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and honeypots.

Web Application Hacking (16%)

Web applications are common targets for cyberattacks, like SQL Injection, cross-site scripting, and others. In this domain, you learn how to identify and prevent vulnerabilities in web servers and applications. Topics include hacking web servers, hacking web applications, and focusing on the ever-pervasive threat of SQL injection attacks.

Wireless Network Hacking (6%)

As wireless networks become more prevalent, so do the security challenges associated with them. This domain hones in on the intricacies of hacking wireless networks, addressing Wi-Fi security issues, and providing techniques to secure these networks effectively.

Mobile Platform, IoT, and OT Hacking (8%)

With the proliferation of mobile devices, the IoT, and operational technology (OT) systems, security in these domains is essential. You learn to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in mobile platforms, IoT devices, and OT systems. This includes understanding the unique security concerns in each area.

Cloud Computing (6%)

Cloud services are integral to modern business operations. However, they introduce their own set of security challenges. In this domain, you explore these challenges, including securing data in the cloud, protecting against cloud-specific threats, and understanding best practices for securing cloud computing environments.

Cryptography (6%)

Cryptography is the cornerstone of information security. In this domain, candidates delve into cryptographic principles, encryption algorithms, digital signatures, and their application in securing data and communications. Understanding cryptography is essential for any cybersecurity professional.

How to Create an Effective CEH Study Plan 

To ace the CEH certificate exam, you should start with a creative study plan and stick to it with consistency. Let me share my CEH study plan, which helped me crack it on the first attempt;

Choose Your Preferred Study Materials

Select study materials that align with your learning style and preferences. This can include official CEH course-ware, textbooks, video tutorials, or online platforms. Ensure that the materials you choose cover all the CEH Certificate domains comprehensively. But don’t overdo things. Just select a few sources and stick to them. 

Set a Study Timetable

Dedicate specific time slots each day to focus on CEH Certificate preparation. Consistency is key, so create a schedule that you can realistically stick to. Be mindful of your energy levels, and plan more challenging topics during your peak concentration hours.

An ideal preparation schedule spans over 30-45 days. Here’s our recommended CEH exam study timetable breakdown;

  • 0-10 Days: You should allocate the first ten days to understanding the important concepts, i.e., Network & system hacking, Nmap, cryptography, and cloud techniques. 
  • 11-20 Days: In the next ten days, dive deep into these concepts to thoroughly understand them and wrap up other domains of the course. 
  • 21-30 Days: Then, go for mock exams and courses— we’ll share them in the latter half of the article. 

Tip: Don’t forget to analyze the incorrect answers in mock exams, as they will help strengthen your concepts. 

Focus on Your Weak Areas

Identify your weaker areas within the CEH domains and prioritize them in your study plan. Allocate more time to these topics to ensure a well-rounded understanding. However, don’t neglect your strengths entirely; maintain a balance to keep all domains fresh in your memory.

Join Study Groups or Online CEH Discussion Forums

Engaging with fellow CEH aspirants by joining study groups or participating in online CEH discussion forums is very helpful for your CEH Certificate preparation journey. 

Collaborative learning can provide valuable insights, explanations, and motivation. Furthermore, discussing complex concepts with peers can enhance your understanding.

Take Practice Tests

Regularly incorporate practice tests into your study routine. These mimic the actual exam environment and help you gauge your readiness. Analyze your performance, identify weak areas, and revisit those topics for further study. Remember, familiarity with the exam format and timing is invaluable.

Take Small Breaks

Remember that breaks are essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout. Incorporate short breaks during your study sessions to recharge. You can use the Pomodoro method, which suggests 25 minutes of study followed by a 5-minute break to stay productive.

Stay Motivated

Staying motivated throughout your CEH preparation journey is crucial. Set clear goals and remind yourself why you’re pursuing this certification. Visualize your success and the career opportunities it will open to stay fueled throughout the preparation time. Also, celebrate your milestones, no matter how small, and maintain a positive mindset.

Recommended Books for CEH Preparation

Now, let’s delve into the most popular books many CEH aspirants study to qualify for the CEH certificate!

This book is of paramount importance for CEH preparations. Every chapter is meticulously designed following the specific objectives of exams. It covers essential topics like reconnaissance, DoS attacks, wireless attacks, buffer overflows, mobile attacks, scanning, and IoT security. It also comes with 750 practice questions and 100+ complimentary electronic flashcards to fine-tune your last-minute preparations. 

This guide covers all exam topics, including ethical hacking basics, cryptography, network scanning, system hacking, and more. It features learning objectives, exam tips, practice questions, and clear explanations, making it an ideal resource for exam preparation and on-the-job reference.

It covers all exam sections, providing concise explanations and real-world context for topics like intrusion detection, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, and malware creation. It includes chapter review questions, practice exams, flashcards, and a glossary for thorough exam mastery.

Recommended Bootcamp and Training for CEH Preparation

Here are the boot camps and trainings you can join for your CEH Certificate preparation:

  • Infosec Bootcamp

Infosec’s CEH Preparation Bootcamp offers five days of expert live instruction, an Exam Pass Guarantee with an exam voucher, unlimited practice exams, and 90-day extended access to course materials. Plus, it provides hands-on cyber ranges and labs for practical experience, ensuring you’re fully prepared for the CEH exam.

  • Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Exams. NEW by Viktor Afimov

This Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program stands as one of the most extensive ethical hacking training courses worldwide. Its primary aim is to equip information security professionals with a strong foundation in ethical hacking. 

This program represents the initial step in a series of three comprehensive courses, each tailored to empower cybersecurity professionals to become adept in penetration testing and ethical hacking practices.

  • Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Complete Hands-on by Muharrem Aydin

The Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Complete Hands-on training course provides a comprehensive exploration of ethical hacking, covering essential topics such as Network Fundamentals, NMAP, Vulnerability scanning, and Nessus. 

This hands-on course is highly beneficial for individuals seeking to develop practical ethical hacking and penetration testing skills.

Other Helpful Resources for CEH Exam Preparation

These resources help overcome potential shortcomings and fine-tune your learning before the final examination. One of the key resources is the 750 practice questions that come with Rick Messier’s book discussed above. In addition, you can refer to;

  • THM Pentest Room: It’s a helpful resource for familiarizing with the concepts of ethical hacking and the tools involved. But, this should be kept as a secondary preference when you have extra time for preparation. 
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv11) Exams: This course by Jason Doin contains 350 exam-based practice questions along with detailed explanations. These questions cover all domains of the CEH examination. Performing well in these tests can give you much-needed confidence along with objective-based preparation.

Essential Tips for Passing the CEH Certificate Exam 

Follow these given tips to ensure you keep your calm during the CEH certificate exam: 

Approaching the Exam with the Right Mindset

Approaching the CEH Certificate exam with the right mindset is pivotal to success. First and foremost, acknowledge that it’s a challenging yet achievable goal. Here’s how to cultivate the right mindset:

  • Confidence and Preparation: Believe in your preparation. You’ve invested time and effort into studying, so trust your knowledge and skills. Confidence can help you stay calm and focused during the exam.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to demonstrate your expertise. Positive thinking can boost your problem-solving abilities and reduce anxiety.
  • Manage Stress: Recognize that some stress is normal. However, manage it effectively through relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness.

Time Management during the Exam

CEH Certificate exam is a 125-question exam, and time management is crucial to complete the exam successfully. Here are practical time management strategies you can try:

  • Divide Time Equally: Calculate the maximum time you can spend on each question by dividing the total exam duration by 125. This gives you a rough idea of how much time you should allocate per question.
  • Quick Scans: Start with a quick scan of the questions. Answer the ones you are confident about immediately. This initial pass helps you secure points swiftly.
  • Flag Complex Questions: Don’t get stuck when you encounter challenging questions. Flag them for review and move on. This ensures you don’t consume excessive time on a single question. 
  • Leave Time for Review: Once you have completed all the questions, take a few minutes to review your answers. Check for any questions you may have missed or answers you want to reconsider. Ensure that you’ve addressed all flagged questions and that your choices align with your knowledge before submitting your CEH exam.

The Role of CEH in Cybersecurity Careers 

There are around 2200 cyber attacks per day, which means one cyber attack happens every 39 seconds on average. This increase in cyber threats makes it necessary for every organization working in this high-tech landscape to have a certified ethical hacker. CEH-certified professionals have the expertise to think and act like malicious hackers but with an ethical purpose. 

This skill set is highly sought after by organizations worldwide, as it allows individuals to proactively identify vulnerabilities and fortify systems and networks against cyber threats. CEH opens doors to various cybersecurity career opportunities, including ethical hacking, penetration testing, security analysis, and even managerial roles in cybersecurity. 

In times of security incidents, CEH experts aid in incident response, helping pinpoint the source, scope, and impact of breaches. They also foster cybersecurity awareness, ensuring all stakeholders understand the evolving threat landscape.

Getting Ready for the Exam Day 

Getting ready for the exam day involves many things, such as:

Exam Expenses

Getting ready for the CEH exam day involves several important considerations. Firstly, there are expenses to account for. The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam costs $1,199, and if you opt for remote proctoring, an additional $100 is incurred. 

Budgeting for these costs in advance is crucial to ensure a seamless exam experience. Furthermore, you should be prepared for any incidental expenses that may arise on exam day, such as transportation if taking the exam at a licensed center.

Exam Locations

Regarding choosing the exam location, you have two options. 

You can choose to take the CEH exam remotely through the EC-Council’s website, provided you have reliable internet, a webcam, and a government-issued ID. 

Alternatively, you can take the exam at a licensed testing center, which you can find using the EC-Council’s website. Whichever option you choose, you must create an account on the EC-Council website, purchase an exam voucher, and schedule your exam according to your preferred location and time.

What to Expect on the Day of the Exam

On the actual day of the CEH exam, you can expect a four-hour duration to complete the assessment, which consists of 125 multiple-choice questions. Managing your time effectively during the CEH Certificate exam is essential. 

Prioritize questions based on your confidence level, flagging complex ones for review later. With adequate preparation, a clear understanding of exam logistics, and effective time management, you can confidently navigate your CEH exam day.

Certification Procedure after Passing the Exam

After successfully passing the CEH Certificate exam, the certification procedure ensures that you receive your well-deserved recognition promptly. 

Within seven business days, your hard-earned certificate will be accessible on your Aspen account. Look out for a confirmation email sent to your registered email address, assuring you that the certification process has been successfully completed.

Maintenance Requirements

To maintain the validity of your CEH Certificate, you must accrue 120 ECE (EC-Council Continuing Education) Credits over a span of 3 years. It’s recommended to aim for at least 40 ECE Credits, with a minimum of 20 ECE Credits earned per year. Furthermore, an annual membership fee is required to ensure the continuous validity of your CEH certification. 

What If You Don’t Pass?

If you don’t pass the CEH exam on your initial attempt, a retake option is available to provide another opportunity to achieve certification success. After a waiting period of 14 days, you can schedule a retake of the exam. 

It’s important to note that, in addition to the waiting period, there is a retake exam fee of $450 that must be submitted. Note you have a total of 5 attempts in the 12-month timespan. 


In conclusion, a CEH Certificate enables you to explore the ethical hacking world and offers many exciting cybersecurity jobs. Before taking the exam, you must prepare with complete focus and consult all the suitable sources. 

With the right mindset and preparation, you can navigate the CEH certification journey confidently and contribute significantly to the security of digital environments. And once you’ve gained the CEH certificate, don’t forget to earn the required credits and renew it. 

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