
Guide to Pass CRISC Certificate Easily in 2024

Last Updated: January 8, 2024


Are you looking to pass the CRISC certification exam with ease? Look no further! In this guide, I will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you prepare for and pass the CRISC certificate exam in 2024. With the right preparation and study materials, you can boost your confidence and increase your chances of success. Let’s dive in!

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Pros and Cons


  • Risk Management Expertise: CRISC certification demonstrates your expertise in identifying and managing information systems and technology-related risks within an organization.
  • High Demand: Organizations increasingly value professionals who can manage and mitigate risks effectively, putting CRISC holders in demand for roles related to risk management, compliance, and security.
  • Career Advancement: Holding the CRISC certification can lead to higher-paying job opportunities and career advancement in roles such as risk manager, compliance officer, and IT auditor.
  • Global Recognition: CRISC is recognized internationally, making it a valuable credential for professionals seeking opportunities in various regions.
  • Comprehensive Knowledge: The certification covers a wide range of topics, including risk identification, assessment, response, and control, providing a holistic understanding of risk management.


  • Experience Requirement: To become CRISC-certified, candidates need at least three years of cumulative work experience in at least three of the CRISC domains, which can be a barrier for entry-level professionals.
  • Costly: Pursuing the CRISC certification can be expensive, with costs including exam fees, study materials, and potential training courses.
  • Continuing Education: CRISC holders are required to earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits to maintain their certification, which can involve additional time and expense.
  • Niche Focus: CRISC is a specialized certification primarily focused on risk management and control, so it may not be as versatile as more general certifications like CISSP or CISM.
  • Challenging Exam: The CRISC exam is known for its difficulty, requiring thorough preparation and in-depth knowledge of risk management concepts.

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Exam Preparation and Study Materials

When it comes to preparing for the Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) certification exam, having the right study materials is essential. One highly recommended resource is ISACA’s CRISC Review Manual. This comprehensive manual covers all the key content areas that will be tested on the exam. It provides detailed explanations and examples, making it easier to understand the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios. The CRISC Review Manual is regularly updated to ensure it aligns with the latest exam objectives, so you can be confident that you’re studying the most relevant and up-to-date information.

In addition to the CRISC Review Manual, it’s also beneficial to take an official, accredited CRISC class. These classes are designed to provide in-depth instruction on the exam topics and offer valuable insights from experienced instructors. By attending a CRISC class, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions, and gain a deeper understanding of the material.

To supplement your study materials, it’s highly recommended to practice with the Questions, Answers, and Explanations (QAE) database provided by ISACA. This database contains a wide range of practice questions that closely resemble those you’ll encounter on the actual exam. By practicing with the QAE database, you can familiarize yourself with the question format, assess your knowledge, and identify areas where you may need further study. It’s a valuable tool for gauging your readiness and optimizing your study efforts.

Exam Day Strategy

When it comes to the CRISC exam, having a solid strategy for exam day can greatly improve your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you navigate the four-hour exam and increase your confidence:

  1. Manage your time effectively: With 150 questions to answer in four hours, time management is key. Allocate around 1.6 minutes per question, but don’t spend too much time on any single question. If you’re unsure, mark it for review and move on. By the end of the exam, you can go back and review the marked questions.
  2. Trust your instincts: Trusting your knowledge and instincts is important during the exam. Go through the questions and answer based on your initial understanding. Avoid overthinking and changing answers unnecessarily.
  3. Take breaks: It’s important to take short breaks during the exam to give your mind a rest. After completing a full run through the exam, take a few minutes to relax and recharge before going back to review and refine your answers. Taking breaks can help you maintain focus and reduce exam fatigue.
  4. Review previous questions: The CRISC exam allows you to go back and review previous questions. Use this feature to your advantage. If you come across a question later in the exam that relates to a concept you’ve already encountered, you may find it easier to answer after gaining more context from the subsequent questions.

By following these tips, you can approach the CRISC exam with confidence and increase your chances of success. Remember, the pass rate for the exam is around 55-60%, so don’t be discouraged if you find some questions challenging. Stay calm, trust your preparation, and give it your best effort!

CRISC Exam TipsCRISC Exam Pass Rate
Manage your time effectively55-60%
Trust your instincts55-60%
Take breaks55-60%
Review previous questions55-60%

CRISC Certification Benefits

The CRISC certification offers numerous benefits to professionals in the field of IT risk management. By obtaining this certification, individuals showcase their skills and knowledge in assessing and prioritizing risks within real-world IT environments. This validation not only boosts one’s credibility and reputation but also opens up new career opportunities and advancements in the industry.

One of the key advantages of CRISC certification is the ability to design effective plans and methods for mitigating risks. With a deep understanding of information risk management from an ISACA perspective, certified CRISC professionals are equipped to identify potential vulnerabilities and implement strategies to address them. This ultimately helps organizations safeguard their valuable assets and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information systems.

Another significant benefit of earning the CRISC certification is the ability to provide a common language for IT groups and stakeholders to communicate effectively. By speaking the language of risk management, CRISC professionals can bridge the gap between technical and business teams, facilitating better collaboration and decision-making. This effective communication helps organizations align their risk management efforts with business objectives, enabling them to make informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently.

Table: CRISC Certification Benefits

Enhanced career prospectsCRISC certification provides opportunities for career growth and advancement in IT risk management roles.
Increased earning potentialCRISC professionals often command higher salaries due to their specialized knowledge and skills.
Industry recognitionCRISC certification is widely recognized and respected in the field of IT risk management.
Improved risk managementCRISC professionals are equipped to assess and prioritize risks, leading to more effective risk management strategies.
Enhanced credibilityCRISC certification validates an individual’s expertise and credibility in the field of IT risk management.
Effective stakeholder communicationCRISC professionals can communicate risk-related concepts to both technical and business teams, facilitating better collaboration.

CRISC Certification Process

So you’ve decided to pursue the CRISC certification to enhance your career in IT risk management. But what are the requirements and steps involved in obtaining this esteemed certification?

CRISC Certification Requirements

In order to become CRISC certified, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Pass the CRISC exam: The first step is to successfully pass the CRISC certification exam. The exam is comprehensive and covers various domains of IT risk management.
  • Work experience: You must have a minimum of three years of work experience in at least two of the four CRISC domains. One of the domains must be Domain 1 or 2. There are no exemptions or substitutes for prior experience.
  • Application for Certification: Once you have passed the exam and meet the work experience requirements, you must complete and submit a CRISC Application for Certification.

CRISC Certification Process

The process to obtain the CRISC certification involves the following steps:

  1. Exam Registration: Register for the CRISC exam online directly with ISACA, the governing body for the certification. Follow the instructions provided to book your exam time.
  2. Exam Preparation: Prepare for the CRISC exam by studying the exam content using resources such as the CRISC Review Manual and practicing with the QAE database.
  3. Exam Day: On the day of your exam, arrive at the designated exam center or log in to the online exam platform. Follow the exam instructions and complete the exam within the allocated time.
  4. Application Submission: After passing the exam, complete and submit the CRISC Application for Certification, providing proof of your work experience.
  5. Code of Professional Ethics and CPE Requirements: Once your application is approved, you must adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics and meet the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements to maintain your CRISC certification.

By following the CRISC certification process and meeting the requirements, you can obtain the CRISC certification and elevate your expertise in IT risk management.

CRISC Exam Registration and Scheduling

When it comes to taking the CRISC certification exam, proper registration and scheduling are crucial steps. To ensure a smooth process, it’s important to be aware of the necessary steps and resources available.

CRISC Exam Registration:

The first step in the process is to register for the CRISC exam. This can be done directly through the ISACA website. The website provides detailed instructions on how to create an account and complete the registration process.

CRISC Exam Scheduling:

Once you have registered for the exam, the next step is scheduling the test date. The CRISC exam is available year-round and can be taken either at a PSI exam center or online. ISACA provides instructions on how to book an exam time through their website, ensuring a convenient and accessible experience for candidates.

By following the proper registration and scheduling procedures, candidates can have a clear plan of action for their CRISC certification journey. It is recommended to review all available resources provided by ISACA to ensure a successful and stress-free experience.

1. CRISC Exam RegistrationRegister for the exam directly through the ISACA website.
2. CRISC Exam SchedulingChoose the preferred test date and location either at a PSI exam center or online.

It’s important to note that availability may vary depending on location and demand, so it’s recommended to schedule the exam well in advance to secure a preferred date and time.

With proper registration and scheduling, candidates can focus on their exam preparation and confidently take the next step toward achieving their CRISC certification.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Requirements

As a CRISC professional, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest information systems audit, control, and security techniques. To maintain your CRISC certification, you must fulfill the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements set by ISACA. These requirements ensure that CRISC professionals continue to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of IT risk management.

The CPE policy mandates that CRISC professionals complete a minimum of 20 contact hours of CPE per year and a total of 120 contact hours over a three-year period. This ensures that you are continuously learning and staying current with industry trends and best practices. The CPE hours can be obtained through various activities such as attending conferences, participating in webinars or workshops, completing online training courses, or publishing articles or books.

ActivityNumber of CPE Hours
Attending a conference8 hours
Completing an online training course4 hours
Participating in a webinar2 hours
Writing and publishing an article6 hours

It is important to note that CPE activities must be related to the field of IT risk management and directly contribute to the professional growth and development of CRISC professionals. ISACA provides a CPE reporting platform where CRISC professionals can log their completed activities and track their progress toward meeting the CPE requirements. Failure to meet the CPE requirements may result in the suspension or revocation of your CRISC certification.


  • CRISC professionals must fulfill the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements to maintain their certification.
  • A minimum of 20 contact hours of CPE per year and 120 contact hours over a three-year period are required.
  • CPE activities should be related to IT risk management and contribute to professional growth.
  • ISACA provides a CPE reporting platform to log completed activities.

Exam Tips and Answering Strategies

When taking the CRISC certification exam, it is essential to employ effective answering strategies to maximize your chances of success. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the exam and improve your performance:

Read the question carefully:

Take the time to thoroughly understand what the question is asking before examining the answer choices. Be attentive to any keywords or phrases that may provide clues to the correct response.

Skim the answers first:

Before diving deep into each answer choice, quickly skim through all the options. This will give you an overview of what is available and help you eliminate choices that are clearly incorrect.

Eliminate wrong answers:

If you can identify answers that are definitely incorrect, eliminate them right away. This will narrow down your options and increase your chances of selecting the right answer.

“The key to success in the CRISC exam is not just knowing the content but also the ability to identify the best solution from a risk advisor perspective.”

Consider the risk advisor perspective:

Remember that the CRISC exam is designed to test your ability to assess and prioritize risks. Therefore, when evaluating answer choices, think beyond technical administration and consider the best solution from a risk advisor’s perspective.

By following these tips and developing a thorough understanding of the CRISC exam content, you will be well-prepared to excel in the certification process. Remember to practice with sample exams and utilize study materials to strengthen your knowledge and test-taking skills.

Exam TipExplanation
Read the question carefullyUnderstand the question before selecting an answer.
Skim the answers firstGet an overview of the options before analyzing them in detail.
Eliminate wrong answersRule out obviously incorrect choices to narrow down the options.
Consider the risk advisor perspectiveThink beyond technical administration and prioritize risk assessment when choosing the best solution.


After thoroughly studying the content, practicing with the right resources, and implementing effective exam strategies, you can increase your chances of passing the CRISC certification exam and achieving your goal of becoming a certified CRISC professional. The CRISC certification is highly respected in the field of IT risk management and can open up new opportunities and advancements in your career.

By following the ISACA way and understanding the specific perspective on information risk management, you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge in assessing and prioritizing risks in real-world IT environments. This certification not only validates your expertise but also provides a common language for effective communication with IT groups and stakeholders.

Remember, the journey to passing the CRISC exam requires dedication and commitment. Continuously upgrading your knowledge and staying updated on the latest information systems audit, control, and security techniques through Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is also crucial to maintaining your certification. Take pride in your achievements and keep striving for excellence in the field of IT risk management.

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